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SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image - ICCV 2019 - PyTorch



  • Title: SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image
  • Task: Image Synthesis
  • Author: Tamar Rott Shaham, Tali Dekel, Tomer Michaeli
  • Date: May 2019
  • Arxiv: 1905.01164
  • Published: ICCV 2019(Best Paper Award)


  • Zero-Shot learning pipeline from single image
  • Wild applications for super-resolution, paint-to-image, harmonization, etc


We introduce SinGAN, an unconditional generative model that can be learned from a single natural image. Our model is trained to capture the internal distribution of patches within the image, and is then able to generate high quality, diverse samples that carry the same visual content as the image. SinGAN contains a pyramid of fully convolutional GANs, each responsible for learning the patch distribution at a different scale of the image. This allows generating new samples of arbitrary size and aspect ratio, that have significant variability, yet maintain both the global structure and the fine textures of the training image. In contrast to previous single image GAN schemes, our approach is not limited to texture images, and is not conditional (i.e. it generates samples from noise). User studies confirm that the generated samples are commonly confused to be real images. We illustrate the utility of SinGAN in a wide range of image manipulation tasks.

Motivation & Design

Multi-Scale Pipeline.

SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image

Our model consists of a pyramid of GANs, where both training and inference are done in a coarse-to-fine fashion. At each scale, Gn learns to generate image samples in which all the overlapping patches cannot be distinguished from the patches in the down-sampled training image, xn , by the discriminator Dn ; the effective patch size decreases as we go up the pyramid (marked in yellow on the original image for illustration). The input to Gn is a random noise image zn , and the generated image from the previous scale x̃n, upsampled to the current resolution (except for the coarsest level which is purely generative). The generation process at level n involves all generators {GN . . . Gn } and all noise maps {zN , . . . , zn } up to this level.


Single Scale Generation

SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image

At each scale n, the image from the previous scale, $x̃{n+1},isupsampledandaddedtotheinputnoisemap,zn.Theresultisfedinto5convlayers,whoseoutputisaresidualimagethatisaddedbackto\left(\tilde{x}{n+1}\right) \uparrow^{r}.Thisistheoutputx̃n$ of Gn.

Loss Functions


Adversarial Loss and Reconstruction Loss


Experiments & Ablation Study

SinGAN can be used in various image manipulation tasks, including: transforming a paint (clipart) into a realistic photo, rearranging and editing objects in the image, harmonizing a new object into an image, image super-resolution and creating an animation from a single input. In all these cases, our model observes only the training image (first row) and is trained in the same manner for all applications, with no architectural changes or further tuning.


Project Site


Training Process

def train(opt,Gs,Zs,reals,NoiseAmp):
    real_ = functions.read_image(opt)
    in_s = 0
    scale_num = 0
    real = imresize(real_,opt.scale1,opt)
    reals = functions.creat_reals_pyramid(real,reals,opt)
    nfc_prev = 0

    while scale_num<opt.stop_scale+1:
        opt.nfc = min(opt.nfc_init * pow(2, math.floor(scale_num / 4)), 128)
        opt.min_nfc = min(opt.min_nfc_init * pow(2, math.floor(scale_num / 4)), 128)

        D_curr,G_curr = init_models(opt)
        if (nfc_prev==opt.nfc):
            G_curr.load_state_dict(torch.load('%s/%d/netG.pth' % (opt.out_,scale_num-1)))
            D_curr.load_state_dict(torch.load('%s/%d/netD.pth' % (opt.out_,scale_num-1)))

        z_curr,in_s,G_curr = train_single_scale(D_curr,G_curr,reals,Gs,Zs,in_s,NoiseAmp,opt)

        G_curr = functions.reset_grads(G_curr,False)
        D_curr = functions.reset_grads(D_curr,False)


        nfc_prev = opt.nfc
        del D_curr,G_curr

Training on single scale

def train_single_scale(netD,netG,reals,Gs,Zs,in_s,NoiseAmp,opt,centers=None):

    real = reals[len(Gs)]
    opt.nzx = real.shape[2]#+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer)
    opt.nzy = real.shape[3]#+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer)
    opt.receptive_field = opt.ker_size + ((opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer-1))*opt.stride
    pad_noise = int(((opt.ker_size - 1) * opt.num_layer) / 2)
    pad_image = int(((opt.ker_size - 1) * opt.num_layer) / 2)
    if opt.mode == 'animation_train':
        opt.nzx = real.shape[2]+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer)
        opt.nzy = real.shape[3]+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer)
        pad_noise = 0
    m_noise = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_noise))
    m_image = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_image))

    alpha = opt.alpha

    fixed_noise = functions.generate_noise([opt.nc_z,opt.nzx,opt.nzy])
    z_opt = torch.full(fixed_noise.shape, 0, device=opt.device)
    z_opt = m_noise(z_opt)

    # setup optimizer
    optimizerD = optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=opt.lr_d, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999))
    optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=opt.lr_g, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999))
    schedulerD = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer=optimizerD,milestones=[1600],gamma=opt.gamma)
    schedulerG = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer=optimizerG,milestones=[1600],gamma=opt.gamma)

    errD2plot = []
    errG2plot = []
    D_real2plot = []
    D_fake2plot = []
    z_opt2plot = []

    for epoch in range(opt.niter):
        if (Gs == []) & (opt.mode != 'SR_train'):
            z_opt = functions.generate_noise([1,opt.nzx,opt.nzy])
            z_opt = m_noise(z_opt.expand(1,3,opt.nzx,opt.nzy))
            noise_ = functions.generate_noise([1,opt.nzx,opt.nzy])
            noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1,3,opt.nzx,opt.nzy))
            noise_ = functions.generate_noise([opt.nc_z,opt.nzx,opt.nzy])
            noise_ = m_noise(noise_)

        # (1) Update D network: maximize D(x) + D(G(z))
        for j in range(opt.Dsteps):
            # train with real

            output = netD(real).to(opt.device)
            #D_real_map = output.detach()
            errD_real = -output.mean()#-a
            D_x = -errD_real.item()

            # train with fake
            if (j==0) & (epoch == 0):
                if (Gs == []) & (opt.mode != 'SR_train'):
                    prev = torch.full([1,opt.nc_z,opt.nzx,opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device)
                    in_s = prev
                    prev = m_image(prev)
                    z_prev = torch.full([1,opt.nc_z,opt.nzx,opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device)
                    z_prev = m_noise(z_prev)
                    opt.noise_amp = 1
                elif opt.mode == 'SR_train':
                    z_prev = in_s
                    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
                    RMSE = torch.sqrt(criterion(real, z_prev))
                    opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init * RMSE
                    z_prev = m_image(z_prev)
                    prev = z_prev
                    prev = draw_concat(Gs,Zs,reals,NoiseAmp,in_s,'rand',m_noise,m_image,opt)
                    prev = m_image(prev)
                    z_prev = draw_concat(Gs,Zs,reals,NoiseAmp,in_s,'rec',m_noise,m_image,opt)
                    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
                    RMSE = torch.sqrt(criterion(real, z_prev))
                    opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init*RMSE
                    z_prev = m_image(z_prev)
                prev = draw_concat(Gs,Zs,reals,NoiseAmp,in_s,'rand',m_noise,m_image,opt)
                prev = m_image(prev)

            if opt.mode == 'paint_train':
                prev = functions.quant2centers(prev,centers)
                plt.imsave('%s/prev.png' % (opt.outf), functions.convert_image_np(prev), vmin=0, vmax=1)

            if (Gs == []) & (opt.mode != 'SR_train'):
                noise = noise_
                noise = opt.noise_amp*noise_+prev

            fake = netG(noise.detach(),prev)
            output = netD(fake.detach())
            errD_fake = output.mean()
            D_G_z = output.mean().item()

            gradient_penalty = functions.calc_gradient_penalty(netD, real, fake, opt.lambda_grad)

            errD = errD_real + errD_fake + gradient_penalty


        # (2) Update G network: maximize D(G(z))

        for j in range(opt.Gsteps):
            output = netD(fake)
            #D_fake_map = output.detach()
            errG = -output.mean()
            if alpha!=0:
                loss = nn.MSELoss()
                if opt.mode == 'paint_train':
                    z_prev = functions.quant2centers(z_prev, centers)
                    plt.imsave('%s/z_prev.png' % (opt.outf), functions.convert_image_np(z_prev), vmin=0, vmax=1)
                Z_opt = opt.noise_amp*z_opt+z_prev
                rec_loss = alpha*loss(netG(Z_opt.detach(),z_prev),real)
                rec_loss = rec_loss.detach()
                Z_opt = z_opt
                rec_loss = 0

    return z_opt,in_s,netG    


class ConvBlock(nn.Sequential):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, ker_size, padd, stride):
        self.add_module('conv',nn.Conv2d(in_channel ,out_channel,kernel_size=ker_size,stride=stride,padding=padd)),
        self.add_module('LeakyRelu',nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True))

def weights_init(m):
    classname = m.__class__.__name__
    if classname.find('conv') != -1:
        m.weight.data.normal_(0.0, 0.02)
    elif classname.find('norm') != -1:
        m.weight.data.normal_(1.0, 0.02)
class WDiscriminator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(WDiscriminator, self).__init__()
        self.is_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
        N = int(opt.nfc)
        self.head = ConvBlock(opt.nc_im,N,opt.ker_size,opt.padd_size,1)
        self.body = nn.Sequential()
        for i in range(opt.num_layer-2):
            N = int(opt.nfc/pow(2,(i+1)))
            block = ConvBlock(max(2*N,opt.min_nfc),max(N,opt.min_nfc),opt.ker_size,opt.padd_size,1)
        self.tail = nn.Conv2d(max(N,opt.min_nfc),1,kernel_size=opt.ker_size,stride=1,padding=opt.padd_size)

    def forward(self,x):
        x = self.head(x)
        x = self.body(x)
        x = self.tail(x)
        return x

class GeneratorConcatSkip2CleanAdd(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(GeneratorConcatSkip2CleanAdd, self).__init__()
        self.is_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
        N = opt.nfc
        self.head = ConvBlock(opt.nc_im,N,opt.ker_size,opt.padd_size,1) #GenConvTransBlock(opt.nc_z,N,opt.ker_size,opt.padd_size,opt.stride)
        self.body = nn.Sequential()
        for i in range(opt.num_layer-2):
            N = int(opt.nfc/pow(2,(i+1)))
            block = ConvBlock(max(2*N,opt.min_nfc),max(N,opt.min_nfc),opt.ker_size,opt.padd_size,1)
        self.tail = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(max(N,opt.min_nfc),opt.nc_im,kernel_size=opt.ker_size,stride =1,padding=opt.padd_size),
    def forward(self,x,y):
        x = self.head(x)
        x = self.body(x)
        x = self.tail(x)
        ind = int((y.shape[2]-x.shape[2])/2)
        y = y[:,:,ind:(y.shape[2]-ind),ind:(y.shape[3]-ind)]
        return x+y