(VQ-VAE)Neural Discrete Representation Learning - van den Oord - NIPS 2017 - TensorFlow & PyTorch Code
Title: Neural Discrete Representation Learning
Task: Image Generation
Author: A. van den Oord, O. Vinyals, and K. Kavukcuoglu
Date: Nov. 2017
Arxiv: 1711.00937
Published: NIPS 2017
Affiliation: Google DeepMind
Highlights & Drawbacks
Discrete representation for data distribution
The prior is learned instead of rando...
CondenseNet: An Efficient DenseNet using Learned Group Convolutions - Huang - CVPR 2018
Title: CondenseNet: An Efficient DenseNet using Learned Group Convolutions
Task: Image Classification
Author: Gao Huang, Shichen Liu, Laurens van der Maaten, Kilian Q. Weinberger
Date: Nov. 2017
Arxiv: 1711.09224
Published: CVPR 2018
Highlights & Drawbacks
Learned manner for group hyper-params
Implementation with sta...
Fast RCNN - Grishick - ICCV 2015 - Caffe Code
Title: Fast RCNN
Task: Object Detection
Author: Ross Girshick
Arxiv: 1504.08083
Date: April 2015
Published: ICCV 2015
An improvement to [R-CNN] (https://blog.ddlee.cn/posts/415f4992/), ROI Pooling Design
Article structure is clear
Motivation & Design
R-CNN’s Drawbacks
Training is a multi-stage proc...
R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks - Dai - NIPS 2016 - MXNet Code
Title: R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks
Task: Object Detection
Author: Jifeng Dai, Yi Li, Kaiming He, and Jian Sun
Arxiv: 1605.06409
Published: NIPS 2016
Full convolutional network, sharing weights across ROIs
Motivation & Design
The article points out that there is an un...
Towards Instance-level Image-to-Image Translation - Shen - CVPR 2019
Title: Towards Instance-level Image-to-Image Translation
Task: Image Translation
Author: Zhiqiang Shen, Mingyang Huang, Jianping Shi, Xiangyang Xue, Thomas Huang
Date: May 2019
Arxiv: 1905.01744
Published: CVPR 2019
Highlights & Drawbacks
The instance-level objective loss can help learn a more accurate reconstruction a...
DSOD: learning deeply supervised object detectors from scratch - Shen - ICCV 2017 - Caffe Code
Title: DSOD: learning deeply supervised object detectors from scratch
Task: Object Detection
Author: Z. Shen, Z. Liu, J. Li, Y. Jiang, Y. Chen, and X. Xue
Date: Aug. 2017
Arxiv: 1708.01241
Published: ICCV 2017
Highlights & Drawbacks
Object Detection without pre-training
DenseNet-like network
Motivation & Desi...
On-the-fly Operation Batching in Dynamic Computation Graphs - Neubig et al. - 2017
Title: On-the-fly Operation Batching in Dynamic Computation Graphs
Author: Graham Neubig, Yoav Goldberg, Chris Dyer
Arxiv: 1705.07860
Date: May. 2017
Highlights & Drawbacks
Batch computation on dynamic graph
Motivation & Design
Dynamic learning-based deep learning frameworks such as Pytorch, DyNet provide a more flexibl...
GlyphGAN: Style-Consistent Font Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Networks - Hayashi - 2019
Title: GlyphGAN: Style-Consistent Font Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
Task: Font Generation
Author: H. Hayashi, K. Abe, and S. Uchida
Date: May 2019
Arxiv: 1905.12502
Highlights & Drawbacks
Two encode vectors for character and style, respectively
Motivation & Design
The main frame work is a D...
130 post articles, 17 pages.